How to place rolling stock in the 3D window
(Author: KlausU-Bahn)
Switch to the control dialog in the 3D window. Follow the procedure described in the manual of your version ( Railroad X page 78 for example ). Observe, that in the program settings the option “All categories editable in 3D editor” must be checked.
(Author: bartmatzel/icke/McIwer)
Remark FAQ Team:
1. Trains could be found in the 3D editor in the upper toolbar <File> <Open train> ( for example ICE3-Tz303-EpVI_DBAG.rss)
2. A lot of trains are included in the rolling stock which is sold in the shop
3. The “RSS Tool” (see „additional tools“ ) helps to build trains and modify them comfortably
4. Examples for real trains are to be found under “Zugverbände querbeet” ( see additional tools)
Zugverbände im 3D Modus einsetzen
Press key <F1> to get support:
– EEP Manual
– Lua Manual
– Tutorials
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